Meet the speakers

Dr. Daniel Warner, Journalist, Lecturer and Author - "Openness of Spirit"

Questioning the unknown requires an openness of spirit to go beyond the known through a willingness to challenge accepted paradigms.

Daniel Warner earned his BA in Philosophy and Religion from Amherst College, USA and a PhD in Political Science from the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva where he was Deputy to the Director for many years as well as founder and director of several programs on international organization(s). He has lectured and taught internationally (Harvard, Oxford, Moscow, Sorbonne, Shanghai) with extensive publications as well as commenting in international media (CNN, Europe 1, Al Jazeera, BBC, NPR).

Dr. Warner organized training courses for young government officials from 27 countries in the Balkans, Central Asia, North Africa, South Caucasus and the Great Lakes region of Africa. He has served as an advisor to UNHCR, ILO and NATO and has been a consultant to the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense of Switzerland as well as in the private sector.

Estelle Schurink , IIL student Y13, age 17 , "The Unconscious Brain"

Focusing on the unknown vastness of our unconscious, as well as the impact of education and social environments on the development of our unconscious.

Estelle is a graduating student in year 13 at the Institut International de Lancy.

Dr. Cary Adams , CEO, Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), "Changing mindsets in making change happen in health"

Having been involved in global advocacy on health for the last 10 years, Dr Cary Adams will provide something personal insights on what he thinks works to change minds at a global level and gain significant commitments to improve the health of future generations.

Héloïse Neau, IIL student, 4eme, age 13, "Peut-on défendre l'indéfendable ?"

"Je pense que l’on pouvons et que nous devons défendre l’indéfendable car c’est notre droit premier. Nous devons le faire en prenant en compte les circonstances atténuantes et l’état mental de l’accusé."

Dr. Geertje Hek, Mathematician and Secondary School Teacher at IIL

Without realising it, we are surrounded by ever more algorithms. They are mostly meant to be useful and harmless. Yet they are often far from transparent, and despite their reputation for impartiality, they reflect human goals and ideology. Should we trust them, or not?

Müge Karan, IIL student, Terminale, age 18, « L'illusion du choix »

Au cours de mes études, j’ai été confrontée à de nombreux choix qui m’ont porté jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Grandir dans trois pays différents m’a appris à comprendre que la vie n’est pas linéaire, et que tout ce qu’on connaît peut changer en un jour.

Avec mon discours, j’espère pouvoir explorer avec vous, l’univers indéfini des aléas de la vie. Chaque choix nous mène dans un chemin qui ne nous plait pas forcément. Sommes-nous responsables de cette direction? Nombreux sont ceux qui souffrent de ce décalage entre le choix qu’ils ont pris, et les conséquences de ce dernier. Heureusement, cette souffrance est évitable.

Nadim Kayne, Stand-Up Comedian

"How did challenging my beliefs in search for more answers changed all my life perspective. More importantly, what does that have to do with standup comedy ? Maybe you’ll get some fresh perspective and maybe we are going to laugh a little. You know, It’s like anything that you don’t have an answer for, all I can guarantee is you’ll be surprised !"

Né et grandit à Genève avec 10 ans de carrière dans une multinationale. A 30 ans, Il plaque tout pour devenir humoriste. Aujourd’hui il tourne avec son spectacle en suisse romande et en France.

Chloe Demoura, IIL student, Y11, age 15, "Do human accomplishements have long-term meanings?"

"My presentation is about human accomplishments and what good they’ve done for us. Many of our choices and accomplishments have had some positive effect but many have hurt our planet and done more damage than good. Could we have the good without the bad?"

"I am in my second year of IGCSE (year 11), I am 15 years old and I have dual nationality French and English. I love to play football in my free time and sing."